
For many of us this slowly increasing tolerance. and understanding is going to come too late. But for an even greater number it is going to be devel- oping during the period when it will be helpful to them. The condemnation, abuse, and persecution that has been heaped on the older ones among us in the past is going to be less and less the rule in the future, so the younger ones among you can take heart. At the same time, as I indicated in the opening par- agraph, I'm not at all sure but that TVism as such is not on the way out. In the highly polarized society that we have had in the US. in the past it was inevit- able that there should be those that rebelled against it and whose own polarized psyche sought and found femmedressing as a a means of integrating a divided personality. But the more the factors discussed in this essay develop, the more they are going to des- troy this polarization, the more men and women alike are going to be human beings first and men and women second. Only incidentally will they be males and females.

The forces leading to broader tolerance on the one hand and the increasing tendencies for women to invade aspects of what used to be considered mascul- inity while men are more slowly moving in the opposite direction, together are driving us toward a new form of human society. It will be a form in which there will be a desegregation of most of those traits, abilities, behaviour patterns, interests and means of personal expression that have for so long been arbitrarily "assigned" to one gender or the other. such a world so much more can be accomplished, so much more enjoyed because all aspects of being human will be available to ALL humans. When the grass on the other side of the street is NOT greener there will be no motivation for the chicken to cross the road--nor the rooster.
